The Tiny House Movement and Merits of Downsizing
People are talking about the tiny house movement. What is it? Is it Tiny homes builder being moved down the street to tiny lots? Is it a political movement? This movement is all about a segment of society that states that people are downsizing the space or spaces that they live in. If you haven't heard of it, the tiny house movement is a growing trend and not just a fad. It's been featured on network television all over the world. What makes the tiny movement so big, and what determines what a small home is? The average house in America is just less than 3,000 square feet in size. Tiny houses are built with the focus on smaller simplified living so they average around 400 to 500 square feet at the most. Some small houses are very tiny, at around 65 square feet. But Why the Movement toward Downsizing Houses? This movement is all about efficiency, saving natural resources, and saving the environment. People who have been concerned about these factors in society have been very...